
Last updated: Aug 16th, 2020


A module or a package is a unit added to your application for enhancement which includes routes, controllers, views, and configuration specifically. Packages are created to manage your large applications into smaller units. In DO Systemes, we have created plenty of packages at path packages/Webkul/. You can find a basic tree-structure of package below :

  • module-name/
    • src/
      • Config/
      • Contracts/
      • Database/
      • Events/
      • Helpers/
      • Http/
        • Controllers/
        • Middleware/
        • Routes/
      • Listeners/
      • Models/
      • Providers/
        • ModuleServiceProvider.php
        • EventServiceProvider.php
      • Repositories/
      • Resources/
        • assets/
        • lang/
        • views/
    • package.json
    • webpack.mix.js

Package Development

Step 1 - Create folder structure

Inside packages folder, create a folder with your company name or namespace and inside it clone the starter package repo or create folder with your package name. e.g., here namespace is specified as DOSYS and packackage name is Blog packages/DOSYS/Blog

If you clone the starter package (Recommended) just rename starter-package folder with your package name whiche is "Blog" in our case

Step 2 - Create Service Provider

Inside the Blog/src folder create "Providers" folder and inside it create php file with package name followed by service provider in our case it should be "BlogServiceProvider.php"

If you cloned the starter package just rename the file from "{PACKAGE-NAME}ServiceProvider.php" to "BlogServiceProvider.php"

Step 3 - Register views, routes and migrations paths

The Service Provider consists of two methods.

  • Boot Method
  • Register Method

        namespace DOSYS\Blog\Providers;

        use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
        class BlogServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
            public function boot()
                include __DIR__ . '/../Http/routes.php';

                $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../resources/views', 'blog');

                $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../resources/lang', 'blog');

                $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../Database/Migrations');
            public function register()
                    dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/menu.php', 'menu.admin'
                    dirname(__DIR__) . '/Config/acl.php', 'acl'


Step 4

As you see in "boot" function we import or load 4 files and directories lets create

  1. Inside the "src" directory create "Http" directory and inside it create "routes.php" this file will include package routes
  2. Inside the "src" directory create "resources" directory and insid it create "views" directory.give your views path a slug to call it with instead of writing full path each time. slug is the secound parameter of loadViewsFrom function in service provider file.
  3. Inside the "resources" directory you just created create "lang" directory. we will use this directory for translations. also give your lang path a slug to call it with instead of writing full path each time. slug is the secound parameter of loadTranslationFrom function in service provider file.
  4. Inside the "src" directory Create "Database"directory and inside it create "Migrations" directory.

As you see in "register" function we import or load 2 files lets them

  1. Inside the "src" directory create "Config" directory
  2. Inside the "Config" directory create
    • "menu.php" we will use in defning admin menu items
    • "acl.php" we will use in defning ACL items in admin

Step 5 - Create Admin view

lets creating first admin view inside "resourses/views" directory create views eg. craete admin directory and inside it create "index.blade.php"


{{ __('{PACKAGE-SLUG}') }}


    <div class="content">
        <div class="page-header">
            <div class="page-title">
                <h1>Blog Posts</h1>
            <div class="page-action">

                <a href="#create_route" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">                       
                    Create Post

        <div class="page-content">
            <p> Hello from the first admin view </p>



Step 6 - Create Routes

Create route to access the view we just created inside "Http/routes.php"

Route::group(['middleware' => ['web','admin']], function () {
        Route::prefix('admin')->group(function () {
                Route::view('/blog','blog::index' )->name('blog.index');


Step 7 - Create admin menu item

Inside "Config/menu.php" lets define your menu items

        return [
                'key' => 'blog',          // uniquely defined key for menu-icon
                'name' => 'Blog',        //  name of menu-icon
                'route' => 'blog.index',  // the route for your menu-icon
                'sort' => 6,                    // Sort number on which your menu-icon should display
                'icon-class' => 'dashboard-icon',   //class of menu-icon
                'key' => 'blog.posts',          // uniquely defined key for menu-icon
                'name' => 'Posts',        //  name of menu-icon
                'route' => 'blog.index',  // the route for your menu-icon
                'sort' => 1,                    // Sort number on which your menu-icon should display                  
                'icon-class' => '',   //class of menu-icon

Step 8 - Register package into the app

After creating awesome package we have to register it into our App to be able to use it

Register in composer.json

inside DO systems root directory you will find "composer.json" open it and register your package under auto-load "psr-4"

"DOSYS\\Blog\\": "packages/DOSYS/Blog/src"

Register in app.php

inside DO systems root directory you will find "Config/app.php" open it and add service provider class nder providers


Dashboard Widgets

Intro to Dashboard Widgets

You can use dashboard widgets to show data from your package in admin dashboard as shown in screenshot below


Create Dashboard widget

Under src directory of your package create "Widgets" directory

Under "Widgets" directory create your widget file let say we need to create recent posts widgets eg. "recentPosts.php"


namespace DOSYS\Blog\Widgets;

use Arrilot\Widgets\AbstractWidget;
use DOSYS\Blog\Models\{MODEL-NAME};

class Recentposts extends AbstractWidget
     * The configuration array.
     * @var array
    protected $config = [];

     * Treat this method as a controller action.
     * Return view() or other content to display.
    public function run()
        $recents = {MODEL-NAME}::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(2)->get();

        return view('blog::widgets.recentposts', [
            'config' => $this->config,
            'recents' => $recents


Create widget view

Under "resources/views/" create "widget s" directory and inside it create "recentpost.blade.php"

<div class="right-card-container category " >
    <div class="card" style="height:200px;">
        <div class="card-title">
            recent post

        <div class="card-info {{ !count($recents) ? 'center' : '' }}">

                @foreach ($recents as $recent)

                        <a href="{{route('blog.edit',$recent->id)}}">
                            <div class="description">
                                <div class="name">
                                    {{  str_limit($recent->title,30,'...') }}

                            <span class="icon angle-right-icon"></span>



            @if (! count($recents))

                <div class="no-result-found">

                    <i class="icon no-result-icon"></i>
                    <p>{{ __('') }}</p>                             




Register widget in your Service Provider

Open your service provider file under Providers Directory and add the following

use Widget;

In boot function add Widget

    app('arrilot.widget-namespaces')->registerNamespace('blog', '\DOSYS\Blog\Widgets');


APIs Documentation

Generated Docs

To access generated APIs docs use



To access generated APIs docs use

php artisan l5-swagger:generate

Creating a Controller

To create a controller for a resource,

Step One

create a folder API in Package\src\HTTP\Controllers.

Step Two

create HelloWorldController.php.


    namespace Doffo\Package\Http\Cont
    use Webkul\API\Http\Controllers\Controller;
    class HelloWorldController extends Controller


Remeber to extend class Controller from Webkul\API\Http\Controllers\Controller.

Step Three

Use sendSuccessResponse or sendErrorResponse methods for your json response.

If needed,You can create a jsonResource HelloWord.php in Package\src\HTTP\Resources.

Step Four

Register your route in Package\src\HTTP\routes.php .